Cancelling your initial appointment for any reason will result in losing the deposit. This also applies to student models. If you need to cancel or reschedule a new deposit of either $50 (touchups) or $100 (new service) is required in order to reschedule your new appointment. If your are a NO SHOW for your original procedure, your deposit is FORFEITED. You will no longer be able to book future appointments.

Failure to confirm appointment reminder text from Rachel is a result in cancellation.


Please text me to reschedule!
You may reschedule your appointment (NEW SET) within a 3-day advanced notice of your appointment time, otherwise, it would be considered a cancellation. Another $50 deposit will be required to schedule a new appointment.
Rescheduling a TOUCHUP must be done within a 72-hour advanced notice of your appointment time, otherwise, it would be considered a cancellation.

Due to health and safety regulations put forth by my insurance Precision Inks does not allow spectators to accompany the client this includes children, friends and spouse, no video recording or pictures in the studio.

Please come on time to your appointment to ensure enough time to work on your brows.
Please text me if you will be arriving late.
If you are more than 20 minutes late, you will be considered a no show and both appointment and deposit will be forfeited.

If you had previous work done on your brows, please send me clear pictures via text.
If you do not inform me about previous work done and book for new brows, I may NOT be able to work on your brows and the DEPOSIT WILL BE FORFEITE


Anyone under 18 years of age.
Anyone who is pregnant and/or lactating.
Anyone who is allergic to pigmentation and make up.
Anyone with glaucoma
Anyone with skin diseases such as eczema, psoriasis on the area to be treated.
Anyone with active skin cancer in the treated area.
Anyone who has experienced post inflammatory hyper pigmentation.
Anyone with undiagnosed rashes or blisters on the treated area.
Anyone with TRANSMITTABLE BLOOD CONDITIONS, for example Hepatitis or HIV.
Anyone who has mitral valve disorder or high blood pressure.
Anyone who is a hemophiliac.
Anyone with healing disorders.
Anyone currently under or scheduled for radiotherapy or chemotherapy treatment.
Any radiotherapy or chemotherapy must be no less than 42 days ago from the date of the treatment.
Anyone who is epileptic who has experienced faint spell or seizure.

If you have been on antibiotics in the past week.
If you are taking steroid medication.
If you have had a chemical peel in the past 2 weeks
If you have had laser treatment on your face in the last 8 weeks
If you have used Accutane in the past year.
If you have an allergy to Lidocaine.
If you have had botox in the past 2 weeks.
If you are taking any immune-suppressing medication.
If you currently have a tan or sunburn.

Please notify us if you have/had allergic reactions to topical anesthetics.

Pre-procedure advice:

What should I do before my appointment?

You will get much better results when you properly prep. It all starts with a good canvas! The eyebrow area must be healthy, strong, non-sensitive and non-irritated. Here’s how to get your skin ready for the procedure.

Do not perform electrolysis one week before procedure

Do not tan 2 weeks prior or have sunburned face

Do you not have any type of facial or peel two weeks prior to treatment

Discontinue vitamin A or Retinol products one month prior to treatment

Do not work out the day of the procedure

Do not have Botox 2 weeks prior

Do not take fish oil or vitamin E one week prior

(Natural blood thinners)

Do not tweeze, wax or tint your eyebrows 3 days before the procedure

In order to avoid excessive bleeding and poor color deposit, please follow the following:

Do not drink alcohol 24 to 48 hours before your tattoo

Do not consume coffee before your procedure

Do not take an aspirin or ibuprofen for pain relief (this thins the blood)

CONTACT RACHEL: 702-534-9936